
Right now you can get know my current skills and experience, but it is way far away the moment of beginning.
Discover the journey of my IT growth: from novice to specialist.
AImpowering Workflows
AI saves time in development by automating repetitive tasks and generating text and images. AI algorithms can generate written content and image creation tools allow for fast design. This not only saves time, but enhances the quality of work, making AI a valuable tool.
Code Degree Achievement Unlocked
I've finished computer science program "Informational Systems and Technologies" with business specialization in Tomsk Polytechnic University.
From Wanderlust to Georgia
I've relocated to Georgia. Now I'm trying to make world a better place from Tbilisi.
The Writer's Code
I was hired to create documentation for high-end microservice framework. It is the start of my journey in corporate world.
Beyond the Surface
It is essential to present products and visualize data in interactive and buetiful way. So I've created the very first version of my website as SPA using Vue.
It was just a start of a long journey in browser tecnologies and client development.
Mastering the Digital Backbone
I've created my first backend application. There was still a lot to learn in future: patterns, databases, archtitecture, ....
Visual Visions
Some time I was into video production in student Media Center at Tomsk Polytechnic University. So knowledge about composition, colors, motion design are the part of me.
You found me
You found this awesome website of mine. And possibly you think about working together.